Associate Membership:
The Associate Certificate of the institute is the equivalent of Post Graduate Diploma in Strategic Management. There are two level of examination at this level, each containing five modules. Eligibility for enrolment is Bachelors Degree, Higher National Diploma, Advanced Diploma or Associate Certificate from recognized professional body
This is the equivalent of a Master Degree in Strategic Management
Admission Requirement is Post Graduate Diploma in Strategic Management or Masters
Degree in any field. The Certification at this stage has two pathways
I. Professional Examination Pathway
II. Executive Action Learning Pathway
Professional Examination for full Membership has two levels, each made up of five modules. Executives Action Learning Pathway does not involve examination. Candidates are required to attend ten seminars/ workshops covering the ten modules at the full membership. Each workshop is for two days, one in each month.
Students are evaluated by requiring them to write research papers after each of the seminars.
Positions at not less than functional head qualify for admission.
The institute awards Fellowship Certificate to deserving Full Member of the Institute or individual achievers in the private or public sector. Prospective Candidates are nominated by members or body of the fellows and approved by the Governing Board.