The Institute of Strategic Management, Nigeria has entered into a collaborative agreement with a foremost private European university, University of Business and International Studies, Geneva, Switzerland. This makes ISMN the first and only Professional Management Association in Nigeria with such collaboration.
This collaboration agreement is in tune with the Institute's pursuit of strategic alliances with relevant local and international institutions.
ISMN's decision to choose UBIS arose out of the Governing Council's conviction that the university will contribute to the attainment of one of ISMN's strategic objectives of adding value to its members through continuous development.
Furthermore, the alliance will provide members (and non-members) with the opportunity of earning an international MBA with little or no disruption to family and work. The opportunity of a study tour to Switzerland in the course of the programme also provides a platform for global exposure and networking to students - Switzerland being a melting pot of sorts for international business and cultures.
On the other hand, this partnership has given an in-road into the Nigerian market for UBIS. It will further cement UBIS's international status thereby making it more globally competitive.
Though the agreement is for an initial 5-year period, this is a partnership that has the potential of being sustained over a much-longer period of time.
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